Online learning initiatives in iowa
View more presentations from Evan Abbey.
1. Iowa Core materials on Moodle
The Iowa Core professional development, alignment, and assessment for learning sub-committees have been placing their resources and instructor guides on the Heartland Moodle server (will soon be on the statewide Moodle server).
The state has been awarded $2.7 million for the developing our capacity to deliver K-12 online content. This includes content development/acquisition, professional development, and technological support. An overview of the grant can be found here
The AEA Online Council is developing a PD sequence for online pedagogy, called Online Learning for Iowa Educators (OLLIE). There has been a proposal to offer a cohort for curriculum consultants from the statewide team this spring, with the purpose being common collaboration to create PD content, K-12 content, and prepare consultants to teach online. If you have personal interest in this, contact me and for more info, check out here.
Heartland AEA is currently participating in a National Science Foundation grant coordinated by the Concord Consortium. The grant is looking at the use of digital tools (including a portal and simulations) to enhance inquiry science. It is entitled “Innovative Technology in Science Inquiry – Scale-Up” (ITSI-SU). While the grant is paying for a piloting group to receive stipends and digital probes for their involvement, the online tools are available freely to all teachers. If there is statewide interest, Evan Abbey and Rob Kleinow can train other consultants in a “train-the-trainer” model.
For more information, visit
To see and try out the portal, visit
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