Thursday, April 1, 2010

Being Selective in Your PLN

The current course I'm teaching on Personal Learning Networks has been discussing the challenge of time quite heavily. Specifically, for those new to connecting to others via web tools, it isn't just the time involved in learning in a new way, it's also the time spent learning the tools to access that learning.

When asking others about PLNs, the message that comes out is to be selective in the tools that you use. Don't become jack of all trades, master of none. Find the tools (or tool... singular) that work for you, and then use it to enhance your learning.

That's why an otherwise powerful video like the one below sends some mixed messages.

There of course are great thoughts about the changing role of the teacher and the power of digital technology over the paper and pencil. But what unintentional message does the beginning of the video send?

And, how do we overcome the anxiety that it causes?

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